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NMW creates and connects with coalitions of like-minded people, organizations and
businesses. These collaborations are indispensible to our mission of fostering diversity,
equity, inclusion and justice in the protection of wilderness and public lands, and are
critical in maximizing our leverage. Please Join Us!

Our Supporting Organizations
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Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters is a national coalition of 400+ businesses and conservation and hunting & angling organizations that have united together to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and Voyageurs National Park from sulfide-ore copper mining proposed in the headwaters of these treasures. The Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters is led by Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness, the largest conservation group in Minnesota dedicated to preservation of the Quetico-Superior canoe country. Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness is based in Ely, Minnesota, the gateway to the Boundary Waters.


Boundary Waters Action Fund is a 501(c)(4) affiliate organization dedicated to protecting the Boundary Waters Wilderness from the threat of sulfide-ore copper mining in the watershed of the Boundary Waters.


Kids for the Boundary Waters is creating a new generation of young Wilderness Warriors who are educated about and involved in the fight to defend the Boundary Waters against the proposed sulfide-ore copper mine adjacent to the Wilderness. “Kids4BW” operates as a program of NMW, which provides some funding and administrative support.

Veterans for the Boundary Waters recognizes the special refuge that the Wilderness can provide to those who have served in the Armed Forces. Veterans for the Boundary Waters is organized and led by veterans, and is a program of NMW which provides some funding and administrative support.


Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is a 501(c)3 non-profit and a coalition of hunters, anglers, businesses and organizations dedicated to protecting public lands in MN, especially the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and its headwaters, from toxic pollution caused by sulfide-ore copper mining. Sportsmen for the Boundary Waters is a group concerned with protecting the habitat where people can hunt, fish, camp and recreate now and in the future. The group works closely with NMW and the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.


Boundary Waters Business Coalition includes more than 350 small businesses, outfitters, manufacturing companies, hunting and fishing businesses and others that rely on and support this world-class Wilderness for employment and quality of life. NMW coordinates the Business Coalition.

National Conservation Organizations: NMW partners with many organizations like The Wilderness Society, Earthwork and others. There are many Partner organizations in the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.

International Coordination: US-Canadian International Joint Commission / International Rainy-Lake of the Woods Watershed Board / Minnesota Chippewa Tribe and Anishinabe First Nations of Treaty 3  / Embassy of Canada / Consulate General of Canada.

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Northeastern Minnesotans For Wilderness 


16 N 1st Ave E

 ELY MN 55731

(218) 365-7808

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